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Re: [News] Many Quiet Migrations from Windows 98/ME to Linux?

  • Subject: Re: [News] Many Quiet Migrations from Windows 98/ME to Linux?
  • From: High Plains Thumper <hpt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 19:37:24 +0900
  • Cache-post-path: ella.cg.yu!unknown@221m35.oasis.mediatti.net
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Internet Crna Gora NNTPCache groupie
  • References: <1241906.SESRRSSOA2@schestowitz.com>
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.1
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1157437
Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Can Linux Pick Up Users Abandoning Win98?
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | "When Microsoft announced the end of support for Windows 98 and
> | Millennium Edition on June 30th, there was a lot of talk of these
> | users migrating over to Linux desktops. In the weeks since this
> | announcement, there is a very noticeable increase of activity on
> | community boards and blogs from newbies asking questions about
> | switching over to Linux, and how would they support their new
> | systems."
> `----
> http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/09/19/2250257&from=rss

I found this quote within same article of interest:

> by RM6f9
> The individual who comes out with a same-drive conversion guide from
> 98se to (distro) with losing no functions of the MSOffice software
> (The wife uses Access and Publisher and can NOT afford the time/
> learning curve to switch) will get me purchasing it: I am happy with
> the k7m AMD 700 hardware I've got and do NOT want to be forced to
> buy more Microsoft product just to maintain the status quo...

Not everyone is interested in upgrading to the latest and greatest.  Most
people still do basic functions with word processing and spreadsheets. 
Some who do more advanced stuff still finds what they are used to working
with is still viable.  No one enjoys reinventing the wheel.

A person who gets their applications to work in Linux and Wine or other
emulator will little additional cash layout will indeed be a happy camper.

Back seven years ago, I was still using a Dell 386SX-20 laptop with Win 3.1
and 8 MB memory.  Someone had given it to me free and I had upgraded to
hard disk from 40 MB to 850 and memory from 2 MB to 8.  I even used it to
do a slide presentation using WordPerfect 6.1 for building automation
systems training at a hotel.

You don't need the latest goodies to be productive in many cases.  Linux
will suite these people just fine, especially if someone introduces them to
Open Office.


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