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Re: Interesting...

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> __/ [ Handover Phist ] on Wednesday 20 September 2006 01:59 \__
>> Chris Wilkinson :
>>> Hi there,
>>> In the last few days I have seen an increase in the volume of spam
>>> filtered from my inbox, by a factor of several times the usual
>>> amount. Understandably thats quite an increase, especially over so
>>> short a time span.
> Same here. Yesterday morning I had to recheck if SpamAssassin was still
> enabled. It was.
>>> If I try to relate the increase in spam to something I have done,
>>> like emailing someone with an unprotected Windows machine, there
>>> is nothing recently I have done that could trigger such a spam
>>> invasion.
>>> If I then try to relate back who I have pissed off this last few
>>> weeks, only in this newsgroup is there anyone who has had any form
>>> of argument with me...
>>> Could it be that people in this newsgroup are unmunging addresses,
>>> and feeding them to spam-bots?
> People have been doing this to Mark because he has his E-mail in his
> signature, which may seem like an invitation for attacks through
> subscriptions.

I have always posted with my real eMail addy
And several times spam increased substantially, even when the
last "mega-windows exploit du jour" was no longer active

Most of the time this occured when I told flatfish what kind of scum he is

I certainly feel that flatfish is one of those behind those spam-bot
feedings, although he certainly isn't the only one

<snip >
Hardware, n.:
        The parts of a computer system that can be kicked.

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