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Re: [News] Is Windows Vista Just Windows 9x Underneath?

DFS <nospam@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> yttrx wrote:
>> DFS <nospam@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> yttrx wrote:
>>>> Is this version faster?
>>>> Is this version more stable?
>>>> Will this version run software that I need, that my current version
>>>> won't?
>>>> Of course, the answer to each of these at the moment is a resounding
>>>> NO.
>>>> Upgrading windows is for suckers.
>>> Those are important concerns, but after 5 years of XP I think
>>> curiosity or "it's something new, the latest and greatest" will
>>> drive a lot of upgrades.
>> Very true.  Admittedly, I install each new version of Vista that I
>> get in the mail from Microsoft, just to see.  There's something to be
>> said for glitter-fetish, but that said, my copies of Vista are
>> included in the package I get for being a partner, so I figure I
>> might as well.
> I take it you're not too impressed w/ Vista (did you get RC1?)

I did get RC1 very recently yes, installed and played a bit.  Prey 
runs well.  

Its not that im not impressed with it, its certainly got some polish
that OSX has been sporting for quite a while now, and is going a 
pretty long way to catch up in the looks department to both OSX and
Linux.  So that's good.

It seems just as stable as XP, though some operations are a little 
boggy, but I think that's probably just my weird configuration.

All in all, theres no reason for me to convert my work laptop to
Vista any time soon---I use it exclusively for Office and Putty-ssh
sessions.  Maybe if I had a really beefy game machine I'd just built
I'd stick it on that for shits and giggles.
>> True as well.  I'm running Edgy, and I have a daily cron that updates
>> against the cutting edge repositories, everything but the
>> kernel--which I install by hand, and only when necessary.
> Wouldn't twice or three times a day be better?  Or do they commit code to 
> those repos only once a day?

I do it at very specific times, just in case something that gets 
installed breaks something that's running at that moment.  For example,
I've noticed that xchat and its environs gets uninstalled every time
I do a dist-upgrade (every two days).  There's also a bit of trouble
with keeping some python modules around through apt-get upgrades.

But it IS a development version, and thus has its issues--which I'm
happy to report are fewer by the day.




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