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Re: New XGL Goodness: Motion Blur

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> __/ [ Oliver Wong ] on Tuesday 19 September 2006 18:34 \__
> >

> Just face the fact that Vista is vapourware.

Sounds more like your opinion than any sort of fact.

> I know very well why I ditched the 'Windows series'
> some time after Windows 98.

I'm not sure what you think you may know but the reason was to move
away from the "DOS codebase" and onto the "NT codebase" with real
memory protection, real multi-tasking, Unicode and etc. Win9x did some
of this but not very well.

> That's just where they peaked. Or maybe it was 95.

I was there from 96-98 and Microsoft was certainly flying high at that
time. Money was coming in every which way from Win95 and Win98 sales
not to mention that Office was really starting to become the defacto
standard at that time as well. Things are still good but I don't think
they'll ever be that 'great' again.

> Many advocated in COLA are degraded to the level of sounding like parrots,
> but it's amazing how many things Windows sticklers simply refuse to accept.
> They think with their heart so to speak, rather than observe simple facts.

Strange because the same statement could be easily applied to you. (No
disrespect intended... just based on reasoning and facts.) Is Microsoft
in some sort of tumbling freefall and on the verge of collapse as your
"heart based" wishfull posts seem to indicate? Not at all if you look
at the simple facts.

In 1997 Microsofts profit margin was 28.8%
Today (2006) Microsoft has a profit margin of 28.5%

In 1997 Microsoft had a net profit of $3.454 Billion dollars
In 2006 their net profit is $12.599 Billion dollars

In 1997 their sales were $11.936 Billion
In 2006 sales are $44.282 Billion

In 1997 Microsoft was a Fortune 100 company
In 2006 they are the 3rd largest company. (Behind Exxon and GE)

So when you say that people are reasoning with their hearts instead of
looking at the simple facts, I believe that when someone does look at
the actual *facts* it is you who is reasoning with your heart and
ignoring the facts.

Because several features were dropped from Vista is completely
meaningless. It's happened several times before (search for "Microsoft
Cairo" someday) and the overwhelming majority of computer users have no
idea what was dropped from Vista nor do they care.

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