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Re: [News] Is Windows Vista Just Windows 9x Underneath?

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Peter Köhlmann
on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 00:25:52 +0200
> Oliver Wong wrote:
>> "Peter Köhlmann" <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>> news:eepmjk$btj$02$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> Oliver Wong wrote:
>>>>     Why do the Linux advocates here feel they need to mislead people on
>>>>     the
>>>> changes between Vista and XP? Linux can do almost everything Vista can
>>>> do and does it better, right? Probably 95% of the features listed on
>>>> that page are "catch-up" features that Linux has had years ago, right?
>>>> So why should we have to lie about Vista? Linux should be able to beat
>>>> Vista on merit, rather than on FUD.
>>> Because "features" MS claims to be included turn too often out as being
>>> not
>>> included at all, crippled or simply not-working as intended
>>     Okay, so by your reasoning, because MS at one point planned on having
>> certain features, but later found that they could not implement those
>> features, and publically announce that they were going to drop said
>> features, it's okay for Linux advocates to spread FUD about Vista?
> Well, if you think some lipstick on a pig makes a new OS, more power to you
> Face it, MS dropped nearly everything which could have made Vista a "new OS"
> Instead, it is just XP SP3 with a hefty price tag

... and maybe a facelift with extra lipstick. :-)

>>     If the problem is MS' history of dropping features, how about instead
>>     of
>> "There's no reason to upgrade to Vista except for a new set of icons", we
>> phrase it as "Vista promises a lot, but MS has a history of dropping
>> features, so let's wait 'till it's release before commenting on whether an
>> upgrade from XP is worthwhile or not"? Doesn't that sound convey the
>> message you're trying to send, without anti-Microsoft bias?
>>> *All* planned features slightly interesting in Shorthorn MCD have been
>>> dropped because of utter incompetence of the MS code monkeys
>>     You don't find a rewritten user-mode driver framework "slightly
>> interesting"? You don't think that the new user interface is "slightly
>> interesting"? IPv6? Symbolic link support? .NET 3.0? Native RSS support?
>> Volume Shadow Copy? Heap-tuning? Non-uniform memory access support? The
>> sidebar? Breadcrumbs?
>>     - Oliver
> What in those features is worth mentioning?

Billions of dollars of potential revenue? :-)

> user-mode driver framework - > in other words, MS has
> made sure *again* that new drivers have to be written.
> Apart from that, this is something linux already has

Maybe they'll get it right this time.

> new user interface -> You've got to be kidding. Linux
> is *now* already way ahead of that.

Ah, but remember ... this is Microsoft Innovation(tm).
After all, it's not official until it's Extended(tm). ;-)

> This is exactly the lipstick on a pig MS does
> IPv6 -> Excuse me while I giggle. Linux has this since several *years*

Parts of Linux, anyway.  I'd frankly have to look to see what systems
support IPv6 properly, and which still assume the old n.n.n.n format.
I know SNMP traps are going to require some work, for example.

> Symbolic link support -> Linux has this from the very start.
> Talk about some severe delays here

Especially considering symlinks have been in Unix since
maybe 1985, if not 1970.

> NET 3.0 -> who in his right mind would want another lock-in?

Scott Nudds would probably get very excited about .NET.  Me,
I don't think I would, though Gtk# looks interesting.

> And yada yada yada
> In short: MS does not provide anything you could describe as new. Oh, I am
> certain they "innovated" a lot of stuff, like IPv6 or Symbolic links
> And in other words: Shorthorn isn't worth shit. It is simply a SP to WinXP
> which should have been provided at least one year ago, without any costs

But where's the profit in that? :-)

#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Windows Vista.  Because it's time to refresh your hardware.  Trust us.

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