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More Proof of The COLA Gang Double Standard.......

Post a pro-linux article and you are accepted.
Post a negative Linux article and you are labeled a troll.

Here we have a *person* posting from news.sunsite.dk which is kind of a
unique domain.
Add into the fact that the Newsreader is kind of unique as well and it's
easily picked up by even the most inept troll detector (William Poaster),
but ONLY if the COLA Gang wishes to.

So here is but ONE of the several negative posts this person has made,
this time under the nym "Johansen":


Notice the COLA Gang go to work on this post:

To begin the feeding frenzy we first have Roy Shysterwitch who *suspects*
a troll:


Then we have casioculture joining in on the feeding frenzy trying to save
face by claiming he knew the guy was a troll all along:


And of course what posse mob would be complete without Mark "The Shill"
Kent chiming in "hang em', hang em'!!!"



COLA is a very strange place.............
Like I said, it reeks of double standards......

So here we have the very same person, posting a POSITIVE Linux post and
what happens?


He now calls himself "Android" but it's the same person:

User-Agent: tin/1.8.0-20051224 ("Ronay") (UNIX) (FreeBSD/6.1-RELEASE (i386))
Organization: SunSITE.dk - Supporting Open source

And what does the LINUX NUTSACK PHONY ROY do?

Why he SUCKS up to him of course!!!

And I quote:

"*Thumbs up*"

So there you have it...

Proof that if you post a negative to Linux article in
comp.os.linux.advocacy you get labeled a troll.

Post a pro linux article in comp.os.linux.advocacy and you get a,

*Thumbs up* 



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