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[News] Mandriva Officially Unveils Corporate Server 4 -- Easy, Quick, Includes Virtualisation

  • Subject: [News] Mandriva Officially Unveils Corporate Server 4 -- Easy, Quick, Includes Virtualisation
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 20:36:35 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / ISBE, Manchester University / ITS / Netscape / MCC
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
Mandriva announces Corporate Server 4.0

,----[ Quote ]
| ...Even better, the complete Corporate Server 4.0 installation process
| takes  less than 10 minutes.
| Thanks to the alliance between Mandriva and Intel, but also to
| partnerships with hardware manufacturers like HP, Corporate Server 4.0
| works on a wide range of servers. 
| [...]
| Virtualization is an essential function in modern enterprise servers.
| There are many different virtualization technologies and working
| philosophies. Mandriva believes that no single one covers all the
| needs of all users, so we have decided to offer a wide choice of
| virtualization technologies, including VMware, Xen and OpenVZ.


Recent news (reverse chronological):

Mandriva virtualises enterprise server

,----[ Quote ]
| Mandriva, formerly MandrakeSoft, has released Corporate Server 4.0, its 
| latest bid to move beyond its roots as an end-user-oriented Linux 
| distribution to challenge Red Hat and Novell in the market for business 
| servers.


Mandriva powers up a serious business-server Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Mandriva Linux, formerly Mandrake Linux, on Sept. 14 (today) will ship
| a major upgrade to its business server-oriented Linux distribution. The
| company claims that Mandriva Corporate Server 4 is fully compliant with
| the LSB (Linux Standard Base), and therefore should have interoperability
| with products from other LSB-compliant vendors. 


Interview: Mandriva CEO Francois Bancilhon

,----[ Quote ]
| What's the question I forgot to ask? What do journalists overlook
| when writing about Mandriva?
| FB: Two things I'd like to insist on. First is the importance of
| emerging markets for Linux: we see large opportunities in country as
| diverse as Venezuela, Algeria, Tunisia, Ghana, Morocco, Azerbaijan and
| Georgia. In Brasil, right now we are selling in the order of 30,000
| Mandriva machine per month, which is a sizable portion of the PC market
| there. This takes me to my second point, which is the emergence of the
| OEM channel to bring Linux to the PC market.


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