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Re: My first killfile entry

On Tuesday 19 September 2006 14:41 tjb wrote:

> mlw <mlw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> <...>
>> What changed? Schestowitz is polluting this group with so many pointless
>> messages, that, without a killfile, the group is useless.
> <...>
> I somewhat agree.  I generally enjoy reading Mr. Schestowitz's news posts,
> but he effectively floods the group with them.  As a result, I'm scrolling
> all over the place trying to read older threads.
> If I killfile him (or his news posts), I see too few of his posts.  If I
> don't, I see too many.

Phrased like that, I have a great deal of sympathy, although rather than do
without Roy's posts, I'd prefer to do without the rest, if you see what I
However, as soon as a get one of those circular tuit things, I reckon that I
ought to be able to do almost anything from knode, and it's presumably the
same in other readers.
I believe that one can (comment appreciated!):-

- set up (as now) a kill-file filter, which filters out any Ignore threads,
together with anyone who gets their score reduced due to my filtering.

- in addition, I believe that I can specify a second filter to show ONLY
those posts containing [News]. This can(?) be done by setting the score of
[News] posts to a specific value, and filtering on that value, can it not?

e.g. Ignore gives a score of -100
      Anybody kill-filed gets a score of -20
      Roy's [News] posts score -10

Now "killfile on" shows everything except Ignored and kill-filed (show
everything above -11)
"Roy" shows everything containing [News] only (scores of exactly -10).
"Normal" shows everything except kill-filed, ignored or [News] (>= 0 scores)

That's probably not very well expressed, but am I right?

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