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[News] Motorola Joins Apple, Dell, Sony, IBM in Battery Woes. Time For Efficient Computing?

  • Subject: [News] Motorola Joins Apple, Dell, Sony, IBM in Battery Woes. Time For Efficient Computing?
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 14:49:15 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / ISBE, Manchester University / ITS / Netscape / MCC
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
Toshiba recalls 340,000 Sony laptop batteries

,----[ Quote ]
| Last month Dell and Apple Computer recalled almost 6 million
| Sony-made notebook PC batteries saying they could produce smoke and
| catch fire.


Inefficient programming -> hot gear.

Brian May of Queen has recently complained about his boiling MacBook and
yelled at Apple for making it so.



Fires and Laptops and Batteries, Oh My!

,----[ Quote ]
| The dirty little secret of the PC industry is that most users don't need
| as much of the processing power and energy usage as they are presently
| consuming; the Windows / Intel cycle of creating an ever larger operating
| system which requires ever more processing power to use it is creating
| this situation. Users just are not aware of alternatives, and alternatives
| are not presented to them; there's big business in keeping them in the
| hamster wheel of hardware and software replacement. There's not enough of
| a sales story for people like Microsoft in saying their latest product
| will be more efficient in its use of resources, as opposed to having
| more novelty.


Hands on: Running Vista on a MacBook Pro

,----[ Quote ]
| 'Since installing Vista, I have found that my MacBook Pro runs hot. No
| doubt Microsoft hasn't worked on power management issues that might affect
| Apple hardware, which leaves me to wonder whether I'm slowly cooking the
| motherboard of my laptop. It's not hot enough to fry an egg on the
| aluminum case, but my laptop is noticeably warmer than when I use Mac OS X.
| I've also noticed that battery life is substantially reduced. Once again,
| energy management for Apple hardware is not likely at the top of 
| Microsoft's list. Once Apple writes updated drivers to work with Vista, I'd 
| expect these issues to be addressed.'


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