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Re: WTF is Roy?

mlw <mlw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> did eloquently scribble:
> spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

>> JDS <jeffrey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> did eloquently scribble:
>>> A couple of comlaints and poof he's gone. What's up?
>> Nah, he won't listen to complaints
>> specially not from the wintrolls. And mlw's complained a couple of times
>> before. Not that it matters.

> What pisses me off, is, and anyone who has followed this group for a while
> knows, I usually defend even the most annoying troll for freedom of speech,
> but Roy S' "[news]" posts make finding new discussions difficult unless you
> killfile all hist posts.

you only need to killfile the [News] posts though, if they irk you so much.
Not his entire posting output. That's why he puts [News] in them, at least
he shows some consideration. 

Shame the trolls don't put [Troll] in their subjects.

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