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Re: Roy Schestowitz---> "To Serve Man" ( COLA=Man ) ( Comp.os.linux.advocacy = COLA )

flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Unfortunately as the story concludes it turns out that the aliens have
> come to earth in search of a food supply and in fact the earthlings that
> are willing boarding the alien's spcecraft for the trip to the "planet of
> paradise" are actually being fattened up to become food for the aliens.

With a name like 'Flatfish', I would think you are at higher risk of
being 'served'... then again, we are in a group called COLA...

Broiled Flatfish in a caramelized COLA marinade?

Damn, someone hand me that alien cookbook; I suspect we are all on the
menu!  :p



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