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Re: The Future of Linux and Microsoft

flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> On Mon, 18 Sep 2006 15:28:27 +0200, Hadron Quark wrote:
>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>> __/ [ chrisv ] on Monday 18 September 2006 13:58 \__
>>>> Hadron Quark checked our message ID's while writing:
>>>>>> I guess you've had your nose buried in your Linux screens for months now,
>>>>>> and you missed the part where the Chinese President visited Bill Gates
>>>>>> before he visited the President of the US.  And you missed the part where
>>>>>> China is cracking down on piracy - which will only increase MS sales. 
>>>>>> And you missed the part where Lenovo - that hardware firm partly owned by
>>>>>> the Chinese government - agreed to purchase $1.2 billion of MS software.
>>>>>> You miss just about everything that isn't negative about MS.  Such is the
>>>>>> life of a cola Linux "advocate".
>>>> Still haven't figured-out that this is a LINUX advocacy group, Quark?
>> Yes : hence I discuss and advocate and dont suck up to idiots like Roy
>> who manipulate the truth for their own agenda.
>>>>>Well done DFS. A resounding spanking for Roytoy. Mark must be black and
>>>> Nice friends you got there, Quark.  DFS, billwg, ErikF, flatfish, etc.
>>>> Lying scum, each and every one of them.
>> Lying scum? There is more truth in one of them than you and your COLA
>> gang. You do realise what a laughing stock you make yourself look?
>>> Thanks for kicking their asses, chris. I think it's better/best to
>>> ignore
>> He didn't do anything of the sort : he just sucked up to you. Nothing
>> new there. I just hope that Mark didn't get a shock.
>>> them. You have just made two killfiled posters visible on my newsreader. And
>>> as long as they are altogether discarded, their presence here makes evident
>>> what they do: participate in their own little puppet show.
>> And yet its you and your loyal followers who use "us" and "them"
>> vocabularly. The people listed above rarely, if ever, proclaim any
>> kinship in anything other than a desire to see Linux get better than it
>> currently is.
>> How's the search engine going?
>> Love the "Proof of concept" single edit field for inputting the queries
>> **LOL**.
>> http://iuron.com/search/
>> Typical OSS initiative from someone not qualified to follow it
>> through. All fur coat and no knickers.
>> Time to use GIMP to design logo - 2 days. Time on actual program : 1
>> hour of "brain storming" and web site creation. It is so "dot com" era
>> its not funny. Time spent discussing it and pimping its web address in
>> signature : forever.
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Roy
> Excellent dissection of the COLA King!!

It's such an easy target.

The problem is that its too easy. Surely these "me too" posts cant be
for real? Surely Roy doesn't believe his own bullshit when he suggests
that Linux is installed on 40% of UK home computers?

Surely not???

Surely Rex (father of Roy "Son of Rex" Ballard), doesn't mean it when he
says "they were good indicators" when they totally failed and got it

Surely Roy doesn't believe that "chrisv" kicked ass when defending his
masters voice?

It's all very scary and I wonder if any of them actually work in real
IT industry at all. And no, being a pimp for freshers doesn't count.

Results vary by individual.

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