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Re: Golden killfile awards nominees

chrisv wrote:
> Larry Qualig wrote:
> >chrisv wrote:
> >> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> >> >__/ [ Peter Köhlmann ] on Saturday 16 September 2006 08:47 \__
> >> >>
> >> >> You seem to live in a different universe than most of us.
> >> >> Msg-ID Larry has never been "polite". His reactions during that incident
> >> >> alone should have been enough to explicitly show what kind of guy Larry
> >> >> really is.
> >> >> He is not better than LOL-boy billwg or FUDdingmuch Erik. Not a tiny little
> >> >> bit
> >> >
> >> >I /might/ stand corrected.
> >>
> >> Consider yourself corrected.  Larry called someone's mother a "whore",
> >> for example.  When he gets angry, he can go WAY over the line.
> >
> >Sure chrisv. I'm sure that this happened completely unprovoked and
> >out-of-the-blue.
> Why would you think such a ridiculous thing, Larry?
> >You wouldn't happen to have a link or anything to
> >backup this claim would you?
> Of course I do, Larry.
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.advocacy/browse_frm/thread/4a86e93046ac4ef4/3057f4f8f3eb6729?lnk=st&q=&rnum=1&hl=en#3057f4f8f3eb6729
> Larry:  "Your whore mother is to blame for you being a lying
> hypocrite."

Have you actually "read" that thread and are you familiar with this
term called _context_?  If that's the best you can do that I insulted
somebody for no reason then you may need a reality check.

> >Just like "all posters are really Flatfish"
> You wouldn't happen to have a link or anything to backup this claim
> would you?
> No, you wouldn't, would you.

Puhleeze... How many times has any new poster who posts negative items
to COLA been accused of being Flatfish? Take a look at Kohlmans "canned
response" of the 100+ nyms who are alledgedly Flatfish for starters.

> >I suppose that if you repeat this often enough you'll begin to believe it.
> Why would you think such a ridiculous thing, Larry?

Because often it seems to be the standard operating procedure here.
Make some obscure point, repeat it often, then pass it off as being
"common knowledge" that it's the truth.

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