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Re: [News] Nintendo's Linux-based Gaming Console Ready by Christmas

Oliver Wong <owong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>    Things must be going pretty bad if the PS3 is going to miss Christmas. 
> Perhaps as Microsoft was with Vista, Sony was simply being too ambitious 
> with their PS3 and simply cannot deliver what they initially promised.
>    To me, this spells an automatic victory for the Wii. Pretty much anyone 
> who wanted an XBox360 has gone one by now. When Christmas comes, there's 
> only going to be one console on the shelves: The Wii.
Interesting.  I don't know much about the Wii (other than that the name
seems a bit od) but I'm curious to learn what Nintendo will do with it,
what sort of games will be available, etc.

>    The Sony fans are going to buy a PS3 no matter what. For the rest of us, 
> the only way I could see the PS3 doing well at this point is if Sony 
> announces a massive price drop (very unlikely, as it's said that they are 
> already selling at a lost at US$600 per unit), or if all the Wii games 
> magically end up sucking (also unlikely IMHO, but probably less so than 
> Sony's price drop). Even then, if someone wants more 3D horsepower than the 
> Wii can provide, there's still the XBox360 as a viable alternative to the 
> PS3, at almost half the price (YS$300 for the "XBox360 Core", US$400 the 
> "XBox360 Platinum").

I just might buy a PS3 as my first ever console purpose, but probably
not to play games.  I'm just interested in hacking on the hardware.
Considering its loss-leader nature, I'm probably not the sort of
customer Sony wants.  Then again, perhaps I'll actually develop
software for it... so maybe I am.

>    The Wii games would have to be pretty sucky for this "strategy" to work 
> though, as they too will probably be much cheaper than the competition. 
> Nintendo says that they "cannot imagine" their games costing more than US$50 
> whereas Sony is expecting their games to be in the US$60-US$100 range.

It is amazing to me how expensive games are becoming.  I suppose if you
stack it up against other forms of entertainment and the amount of
dollar per hour enjoyment you get for the money, a big title with many 
hours of playability is still not too bad... but I will still usually 
wait for most games to hit the discount bin.

Speaking of which, just bought a copy of Terminus for $9.  Looking
forward to loading on my Linux box and giving it a spin.  :)



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