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In comp.os.linux.advocacy, ed
on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 20:44:34 GMT
> On Fri, 29 Sep 2006 13:14:35 +0200
> Hadron Quark <qadronhuark@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> > Roy S, seems adding the [News] tag doesn't achieve its desired
>> > purpose.  Perhaps you should remove it. :-)
>> You and "several others" are not the NG.
>> He should set up a mail list like everyone else : no other groups have
>> this amount of SPAM.
>> If you remove the NEWS header there will surely be calls for Roy's
>> head for flaunting usenet etiquette.
> hummm newsgroups posting news relevant to the newsgroup title... hummm
> spam... news group... linux news ... spam ... hummm something is not
> adding up..
> To be honest, his [News] posts should not require the news subject
> prefix. It is only because of the way that Roy formats these posts that
> people suspect automation. It's not automated, it's a manual process and
> very on topic. If you don't like it then why don't you go set up your
> own mail list and we'll all migrate there when people go ice skating in
> hell.

Pedant Point: Ozymandius is hypothesized, in one of the
books which begins with _On A Pale Horse_ (Piers Anthony,
if memory serves; the books are at home), as being frozen
in an ice block.  It took the efforts of Nefertiti to thaw
him out, by doing a very erotic dance over his head as
Satan watched.  (It gets complicated and has to do with
the administration of Hell, so I'll leave it at that.)

No mention of ice skating therein, though. :-)

ObLinux: If news items espousing Linux success in the
general marketplace aren't examples of good advocacy,
then I don't know what is.  In a pinch one can always
filter Roy's "[News]" posts out with a simple scorefile mod,
or with its equivalent.

#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Linux makes one use one's mind.
Windows just messes with one's head.

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