on Sep 29 2006 8:58 Tim Smith wrote:
> Just where is this magical "elsewhere" you think IT buyers can look?
> (Hint: it isn't Sun or IBM...they have the same kind of restriction)
> (Further hint: so does the GPL).
It isn't just Microsoft, a while back Accenture almost put Sainsbury's
out of business while installing an automated stock control system.
Shelves were going empty during the upgrade. They had to hire on extra
staff to do it manually. It isn't only a matter of what software to use
but the competence of the company.
A relevent question to ask is, has this ever been done before elsewhere
and if so can we see it working. I would also question the wisdom of
using an OS that comes with a ninety day guarantee. That's a hint for
those of you who say there is no guarantee with Open Source.
As for software for medical equipment. The best solution is embedded
hardware connected to a central system with allowance for 'failure
mode'. That is when the central system goes down the client units can
still provide service. Given the power of todays hardware you could
carry round an entire hospitals patent records on a single wheeled
trolly so there is no central point of failure.
Medical images on Fedora Core
Medical Images under LINUX and F/OSS
Medical record on Debian
Suse Linux and magnetic resolution imaging (MRI)
Sainsbury's ..is recruiting 3,000 shelf stackers to fix the damage
manually ..
I still believe you're a Linux Advocate ..