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Re: [News] GNU/Linux Plays Blu-ray and HD DVD

__/ [ Mark Kent ] on Tuesday 10 April 2007 11:35 \__

> [H]omer <spam@xxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>>> How-To: Play Blu-ray and HD DVD Movie Discs in Linux
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | At this point it's not an elegant solution, but they're getting there.
>>> | Soon, I'm sure, it will be as easy as just dropping in the disc.
>>> `----
>>> http://www.ehomeupgrade.com/entry/3737/how-to_play_blu-ray
>> Woooooooot!
>> OK, so *now* I'm going to buy a Bluray drive, now that I'm free to use
>> it without prohibitive draconian restrictions.
> DRM is going to have to end, I think - the world is changing, and
> information will be free.  I know that this is creating huge headaches
> for economists in trying to work out what the new models will look like,
> but we can be sure that the fusion of telecoms and computers into the
> internet has changed everything, and that there is no going back.
> A lot of businesses are surely going to fail, and we will continue to
> see old businesses putting pressure on governments in last-ditch efforts
> to use the law against progress, but it won't work.

That's an excellent point. 1998 Supreme Court ruling on software patents...
what a sham that was. It was also an economical suicide for the once-Great
America where innovation will in due time cease, only to be replaced by

> It is an ironic turn-around, that during the industrial revolution, it
> was the workers who were sabotaging the Mills because of their loss of
> freedom, this time, it's the Mill-owners trying to sabotage the
> new-found freedom of the workers to start their own Mill...

Open Source = mill.

Close source = a farmer, a vandal.

I like the analogy.

                ~~ With kind regards

Roy S. Schestowitz      | "Stand for nothing and you will fall for anything"
http://Schestowitz.com  |    RHAT Linux     |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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