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Re: Partial List, MS Legal - Who Will End Up Owning Them?

__/ [ flyer ] on Sunday 08 April 2007 02:51 \__

> With fear of MS dissolving, and class actionable, let alone other, issues
> blooming, who will end up owning MS?
> Probably no one (yuk), but their money makes a great slow moving target.
> Bubble based, on-paper wealth, backed only by waning confidence, will
> dissolve as well.
> Once the real base of confidence in MS has dissolved to no-return point,
> the bottom will drop out, perhaps instantly, in a hard crash of stock
> sellout.
> Linux developers will be very busy.
> http://aaxnet.com/topics/msinc.html
> "Microsoft and the Law - Trouble, Trouble, Trouble"
> "2003-Dec - Mythica sues over game title - Mythic vs MS Mythica
> 2003-Dec - Real Network sues Microsoft - major antitrust filing
> 2003-Oct - E-Data sues over music download patents - inconsequential?
> 2003-Oct - Isreal suspends all Microsoft contracts - antitrus action
> 2003 - Class action suit over security - California
> 2002-Oct - SPX sues Microsoft over patent - NetMeeting whiteboard
> 2002 - Burst sues over Patents and Antitrust - multimedia
> 2002 - Network Commerce sues over Patent - gets court date
> 2002 - Sun files private antitrust suit - over Java, again
> 2002 - Be files private antitrust suit - considered a strong case
> 2002 - AOL / Netscape files private antitrust suit - long expected
> 2001 - antitrust charges in South Korea - bid to stop Windows XP
> 2001 - Kodak considers antitrust suit - Microsoft hijacks photo software
> 2001 - Intertrust Sues - Microsoft steals music delivery encryption
> 2001 - FTC sues Microsoft (again) - False & Misleading Advertising
> 2001 - DOJ opens new Microsoft case - Bush admin picks up the ball.
> 2000-Nov - WebTV settles with FTC - False & misleading advertising.
> 2000-Oct - Racial discrimination suit filed - policy favores white &
> male.
> 2000-Sep - Fired Employee sues - wins, could get $9 million
> 2000-Jun - Hyperphrase sues Over Patent - Smart Tags in MS Office
> 2000-Mar - Europe Launches Second Anti-trust Investigation
> 2000-Jan - Over 100 Class Action Suites - The Sharks Smell Blood
> 1999-Feb-03 - Eoalis Sues over Patent - $520 million judgement in 2003
> 1998 - Blue Mountain Arts Sues Microsoft - Unfair Trade Practices
> 1998 - Mouse Designer Sues Microsoft - Patents & Trade Secrets
> 1998 - Court Denies Microsoft Access to Professor's Research
> 1998 - Ed Curry vs. Microsoft - Security Expert Case
> 1998 - Department of Justice Sues Microsoft - Anti-Trust
> 1998 - 20 States Sue Microsoft - Anti-Trust
> 1998-2001 - Sun Microsystems Sues Microsoft - Java License
> 1998 - Caldera Sues Microsoft - Business Practices
> 1998 - AT&T Sues Microsoft - Microsoft Buys Out
> 1998 - Bristol Technologies Sues Microsoft - Breach of Contract
> 1998 - Borland Sues Microsoft - Microsoft Buys Out
> 1998 - SCO Sues Microsoft - SCO Wins
> 1998-2000 - Temp Workers Sue Microsoft - Temps Win
> 1998 - Microsoft Investigated by Japan - Files Seized
> 1998 - Microsoft Investigated by European Union - Anti-Trust
> 1998 - Department of Justice Investigates Collusion Attempt
> 1998 - Department of Justice Investigates Microsoft - Ongoing
> 1998 - 3Com Sues Microsoft - Business Practices
> 1998 - Ralph Nader Investigates Microsoft - Business Practices
> 1998 - Congress Investigates Microsoft - Business Practices
> 1998 - Spyglass Sues Microsoft - Microsoft Buys Out
> 1998 - Italy sues Microsoft - yet another Anti-Trust action
> 1998 - Microsoft Faces Charges in Brazil
> 1997 - The "Cookie Jar Reserve" case - Former audit chief sues
> 1995 - Syn's Relief sues Microsoft for Software Piracy - Wins in 2001.
> 1995 - DoJ sues Microsoft over Intuit buyout
> 1994 - Stac Sues Microsoft - Stac Wins
> 1982 - Digital Research Sues Microsoft - DR Wins"

There's a much more extensive list at Groklaw. See "Microsoft Litigation".

                ~~ With kind regards

Surely, Microsoft has given up on altruism in the IT industry
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