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Re: [News] Microsoft Yet Again Disses The Competition

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> Microsoft attacks Wii now
> ,----[ Quote ]
>> Micrsooft has not heard the marketing maxim "never mention the
>> opposition". `---- 
> http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=38604
> Microsoft Says Wii is for Babies
> ,----[ Quote ]
>> ...Microsoft's group product manager for Xbox and the Live
>> platform, John Rodman, recently took a stab at it.
> `----
> http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/776/776545p1.html
> Bill Gates: Nintendo is Our Toughest Competition
> ,----[ Quote ]
>> "The strength of Nintendo on the portable space has been very
>> impressive and surprised a lot of people; and the strength of the
>> Wii; and we see Nintendo as the toughest competition," said Gates.
>> Gates? statements are not a surprise considering the tremendous
>> sales both the Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii have enjoyed since
>> they went on sale.
> `----
> http://news.teamxbox.com/xbox/12549/Bill-Gates-Nintendo-is-Our-Toughest-Competition/
> Microsoft Crash PS3 Launch Party In France
> ,----[ Quote ]
>> Right in the middle of the official PS3 launch party in France, a
>> huge boat with banners reading "Xbox 360 Loves You" floated
>> downstream, interrupting the festivities and making several
>> PS3 fanboys cry.
> `----
> http://www.gwn.com/news/story.php/id/11831/Microsoft_Crash_PS3_Launch_Party_In_France.html
> "Microsoft seems to have hijacked Linux Asia"
> ,----[ Quote ]
>> Was the general feel amongst the attendees at Linux Asia 2007;
>> MS however, just wanted to say ''let us walk hand-in-hand''
> `----
> http://www.ciol.com/content/developer/Linux/2007/107020104.asp
> Neil Thompson Attacks Blu-Ray
> ,----[ Quote ]
>> The war of words between Microsoft and Sony continues, as Microsoft
>> UK boss Neil Thompson criticises Blu-ray.
> `----
> http://www.gwn.com/news/story.php/id/11869/Neil_Thompson_Attacks_Blu-Ray.html
> http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/9091/47131535bn4.jpg

So what?!? It's not illegal to talk about the competition. It's not as if 
they're going to praise them is it?

Scottish....and proud of it 

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