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[News] Microsoft Yet Again Disses The Competition

Microsoft slams iPhone as 'irrelevant'

,----[ Quote ]
| "However, it's a closed device that you cannot install applications on,
| and there's no support for Office documents. If you're an enterprise and
|                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| want to roll out line of business applications, it's just not an option.
| Even using it as a heavy messaging device will be a challenge," the
| executive added.


They still fail to understand marketing because this sort of FUD exposes
their fears. Ballmer's laughter at the iPhone was tactless as well.


Another Microsoft exec speaks out on the WiiAnother Microsoft exec speaks out
on the Wii

,----[ Quote ]
| For some reason, the Wii keeps popping up in these interviews,
| including one with Platform Marketing Manager Michael Newey. 


Microsoft attacks Wii now 

,----[ Quote ]
| Micrsooft has not heard the marketing maxim "never mention the opposition". 


Microsoft Says Wii is for Babies

,----[ Quote ]
| ...Microsoft's group product manager for Xbox and the Live
| platform, John Rodman, recently took a stab at it. 


Bill Gates: Nintendo is Our Toughest Competition

,----[ Quote ]
| "The strength of Nintendo on the portable space has been very
| impressive and surprised a lot of people; and the strength of the
| Wii; and we see Nintendo as the toughest competition," said Gates.
| Gates? statements are not a surprise considering the tremendous
| sales both the Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii have enjoyed since
| they went on sale.


Microsoft Crash PS3 Launch Party In France 

,----[ Quote ]
| Right in the middle of the official PS3 launch party in France, a
| huge boat with banners reading "Xbox 360 Loves You" floated
| downstream, interrupting the festivities and making several
| PS3 fanboys cry. 


"Microsoft seems to have hijacked Linux Asia"

,----[ Quote ]
| Was the general feel amongst the attendees at Linux Asia 2007;
| MS however, just wanted to say ''let us walk hand-in-hand''


Microsoft Befriends Google's Foes

,----[ Quote ]
| After a government- and monopoly-inspired period in which Microsoft had
| to pretend to be a gentle force for global good, the company is being
| forced to return to its ruthless roots. Ironically, it is doing this
| in part by decrying the unfair practices of a competitor and
| shamelessly sucking up to the Establishment.


Neil Thompson Attacks Blu-Ray

,----[ Quote ]
| The war of words between Microsoft and Sony continues, as Microsoft
| UK boss Neil Thompson criticises Blu-ray.


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