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[News] Nintendo and Google Still Put Microsoft to Shame (and Costing Them Money)

Google 1Q Profit Rises 69 Percent

,----[ Quote ]
| Born less than decade ago, Google now reigns as the most profitable
| -- and probably most powerful -- force on the Web.


Nintendo's Wii still No. 1 new game console

,----[ Quote ]
| Nintendo Co. Ltd.'s Wii was again the No. 1 current-generation video
| game console, selling 259,000 units in the United States in March,
| according to market research firm NPD.


Despite massive losses, Microsoft tries to convince journalists that it's
ahead in the race, while at the same time taking cheap shots at Google,
Nintendo and Sony (FUD tactics).


Microsoft profit on slide

,----[ Quote ]
| Some analysts are looking for any signs of improvement from
| Microsoft's internet division, which continues to lose market
| share in web search to Google.
| Microsoft's online services group saw revenue fall for the last
| four quarters and posted a loss in the past three quarters while
| it shifted to a new internet advertising platform and overhauled
| the company's web properties.


Software Notebook: Microsoft's cash pile isn't what it used to be

,----[ Quote ]
| But Microsoft has taken a series of steps to reduce its cash
| balance. Specifically, by Microsoft's count, the company has
| paid out nearly $100 billion through dividends and repurchasing
| its own stock in the past five years.


When Will Microsoft Own Up to the XBox 360 Bomb?

,----[ Quote ]
| The success (or lack thereof) of Microsoft's Xbox
| 360 has been a hotly debated topic across both the blogosphere and
| mainstream media, with an amalgam of sober and utterly confused
| views depending upon one's vantage point: analyst, investor or
| gamer.
| After taking a step back and looking at some objective numbers -
| those taken from Microsoft's own financial statements and
| comparative console sales figures extracted from VGChartz.com and 
| Wikipedia.org - I have concluded the following:
| # Gaming has been a disastrous endeavor for Microsoft, particularly
| from an investment perspective;
| # The seeds of this failure are evident from their sales performance
| in Japan...


Rumor: Is Microsoft cheating their [Xbox 360] sales?

,----[ Quote ]
| All in all, there are some sobering thoughts with very broad implications
| for any company if that were true. That being said, would you buy
| from Microsoft, or any other company for that matter, if they were
| cheating their sales?


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