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[News] Has Motorola Chosen a Linux Strategy Too Late?

Motorola's Q1 not as bad as expected

,----[ Quote ]
| CEO and chairman Ed Zander said the company should be back in the
| black by the end of this year as it accelerates its share-buyback
| program, streamlines its product portfolio, introduces more Linux
|                                                        ^^^^^^^^^^
| and Java-based phones and carries out the previously announced
| job cuts.


Some refer to it as the 'burn the boat' argument. Some companies only give up
on their proprietary offers (e.g. Symbian) when it's too late. Nokia, on the
other hand, reported good figures as it is gradually heading towards Linux
(Maemo, Linux Foundation membership, Symbian/Linux development tools).


Can Linux save Mot's mobile phone biz?

,----[ Quote ]
| According to a report at the Chicago-area Daily Herald, Motorola
| CEO Ed Zander blamed poor earnings on lower unit volumes and
| greater-than-expected global price competition, particularly
| in India, Africa, and South Asia.


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