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Re: Wi-Fi Bug Found in Linux

On 2007-04-16, Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxx> claimed:
> After takin' a swig o' grog, AB belched out this bit o' wisdom:
>> They were probably trained at Camp MS-COLA-Troll. They would have
>> received teaching on the best shilling methods money can buy.
> How much is a shilling in American dollars?

This type of shilling is worth somewhere around a coaster from MS
(Vista) and some stock options that can't be cashed-in until
approximately the time the stocks sink to the penny level. Not quite
enough to buy a set of coasters without the MS advertising on them, but

A better comparison is it's almost worth as much as an AOL CD.

VISTA: Very Idiotic Software Trashing Applications

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