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[News] Windows Vista Sold 244 Copies in China

Genuine Windows Vista sold only 244 copies in the whole of China

,----[ Quote ]
| We have gathered these pictures for you, showing various versions of
| illegal copies; some also come with Office, Linux, MacOS and
|                                             ^^^^^
| Windows 98/Me/2000/XP on the same disc.


Related and recent:

Uh-Oh, Vista! PC Sales Levels Are Normal

,----[ Quote ]
| "Vista hasn't been a catalyst for PC sales," he said. "Looking at the
| weekly data, there really isn't anything happening with sales that
| has anything to do with Vista."


,----[ Quote ]
| "This is a relic of old-line consumer products companies like Philip
| Morris, or fraudsters like Miniscribe who literally shipped bricks in
| lieu of disk drives to hit sales targets.
| [...]
| Channel stuffing is the business practice where a company or a sales
| force within a company inflates its sales figures by forcing more
| products through a distribution channel than the channel is capable
| of selling to the world at large.
| [...]
| We have a game we play around the office here with Microsoft press
| releases. The game is, "Find the words that make the headline true."
| It's not always easy.
| [...]
| Sony, like Microsoft, announces units shipped, not actually sold.
| This allows both companies to advertise sales numbers based on how
| many units they can force retailers to accept, not on how many units
| customers actually buy; both have considerable market power to push
| excess unsold inventory into the channel."


Linux grabs 30% of China's fast-growing smartphone market

,----[ Quote ]
| China consumed 15 million smartphones in 2006, up from 10 million
| units in 2005, resulting in more than doubling of smartphone
| revenues, according to Chinese market research firm CCID Consulting
| Company. Symbian controlled 63.2 percent of the market, followed by
| Linux (30.3 percent) and Windows Mobile (5.4 percent). 


,----[ Quote ]
| In terms of shipment volume, Microsoft also accounted for the
| largest proportion with a 65.26% share for its Windows operating
| system, followed by Linux-based Red Flag Software at 12.59% and
| China Standard Software (CS2C) at 6.64%, Analysys indicated.


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