On 2007-04-26, peterwn <peterwn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
> On Apr 26, 11:59 pm, AB <fardblos...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 2007-04-26, [H]omer <s...@xxxxxxx> claimed:
>> It's a shame Linux has such difficulty running some of the more popular
>> Windows applications: Nimda, CodeRed, Klez, ILOVEYOU, WPA, Swen,
>> SoBig, Beagle, Sober, Mydoom, NetSky, Bagle, Drivus, Randex.
> It's also a shame that Vista has difficulty running some of the more
> popular Windows applications, espcially various games.
Yeah. It's a shame Vista can't run *any* of the ordinary stuff, like
what you named, and also can't run very much of the popular stuff, such
as what is named above. So far. We already know the people in charge of
getting those things to operate are making some headway. If not through
the OS proper, then through addons like Office.
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