Aunty Diluvian wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Apr 2007 14:21:44 -0700, John Locke
> <johnlocke98513@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>| In short, Microsoft has nothing to fear from people who remain
>>>| interested in XP. Rather, Redmond should perhaps start worrying about
>>>| whether there's finally an opening here for open source. Linux on the
>>>| desktop -- sure, we've heard that before, and it's never gone anywhere.
>>>| But as they say on Wall Street, past performance is no indication of
>>>| future results.
>>I'd say Linux is going somewhere...
>>If I were Microsoft, I wouldn't worry about Dell too much. I'd worry
>>more about the 5,000,000 laptops loaded with Linux on their way to
>>Africa. By the way, you can download an ISO image to try for
> "....on their way to Africa"? These damned things haven't been
> built yet. Have you ever seen one? Has anybody ever seen one?
> NO and NO. Nobody has ever seen one except maybe for the single
> basement dweller with the responsibility of building them all.
> No one will ever see the first $100 laptop delivered to anyone.
> It was all an April Fools hoax thought up by Linux yarn-spinners
> to get a little spotlight time. Now, on the other hand, Bill Gates
> is doing a lot for the worlds poor by offering his product at a much
> reduced price to these indigent Africers.
> His offer is real and tangible while the Linux version is smoke.
> A real philanthropist, that Bill Gates. Hurray for MS.
Rather hurray for all the Wintards that through their stupidity made it
possible for Bill Gates to amass the fortune he has. Go and pat yourself on
the back. The money he's giving away came from the bank accounts of
millions of poor sods, just like you.
The "Wow" starts now.
"No sane person wants Vista, so Microsoft is making sure they have no