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Re: [News] Sun's GPL-licensed Processor a Great Success, Windows Project Considers GPLv3

____/ Mark Kent on Wednesday 08 August 2007 16:35 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Sun: Open source Niagara 'successful'
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| The success Sun Microsystems has seen from publishing the hardware designs
>>| of its Niagara processor is pushing the server and software company to
>>| continue its open source chip initiative, and release the source codes of
>>| its latest "Niagara 2" processor.
>> `----
>> http://www.zdnetasia.com/news/hardware/0,39042972,62030524,00.htm
> I wonder if Sun will go GPLv3 for their kernel?  I wonder how that might
> impact the landscape?  It would be interesting to see what happened.

Simon Phipps talked to Bob Sutor about it not so long ago. I was sort of in the
middle to see it...  Bob approves it (he knows that GPLv3 would have stopped
OOXML, which he lobbies strongly against... remember that Microsoft /bought/
OOXML support because of GPLv3 loopholes). Either way, Simon's mind may have
been poisoned by the convicted monopolist's FUD. You'd find that anti-GPLv3
litter coming out not from Microsoft itself, but its army of puppets, so it's
> In any case, open-sourcing hardware is certainly a good move here.

There is (at least) one group that forked Niagra 1 over 6 months ago. Since
it's GPLed, their work can only help Sun. Isn't the GPL wonderful? Beats
reinventing the wheel, lowers costs, and boosts development. All of which
benefit the consumer...

                ~~ Best of wishes

In a perfect world, all high-velocity impacts make fine orange juice
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