Kelsey Bjarnason wrote:
> [snips]
> On Sat, 04 Aug 2007 19:49:46 +0200, Peter Köhlmann wrote:
>> You are free to point to the URL which explains where Tivo does not
>> release source code
>> They *do* release the source. The obey GPL2 to the point
>> While you are at it, please explain how the Tivo "controls the user".
>> I am certain it is with that evil "GPL2 mind boggling device"
> Tivo *do* release the sources, last I checked, but that's not the point.
> "Tivoisation" is a little different.
> Basically, what Tivo did was hand out the sources so you could edit and
> alter them as you see fit... but took steps to ensure that you were
> limited in your ability to _use_ them.
> Specifically, you can fiddle the Tivo code to your heart's content, but
> the devices have built-in checks to ensure that only "proper" Tivo code
> will actually run.
> What this means is that they obey the GPL - they give you the sources -
> but they retain control of the devices; you cannot alter how the devices
> work, as your code will not pass the checks and thus will not work in the
> devices.
> This means you couldn't, for example, remove any included DRM code and
> still expect the machine to work; the code wouldn't pass the checks.
> It is a way of ensuring that despite you having full access to the code,
> as required, you do not have control of the device.
I know that.
But that is not the point. They *do* obey the GPL2.
And if you want full control of a device like that, you don't go the Tivo
route in the first place. You do a MythTV or similar setup in linux by
yourself and get a highly configurable system.
Just not the "plug it in, works" type of Tivo
And yes, I can understand them. They want to make sure that they don't get
inundated with help calls from users who just successfully mangled their
Tivo (the same way DFS gets his linux systems to crash all the time: being
completely inept).
It is very difficult to honour warranties and keep customers happy if you
also allow those very customers, no matter how incompetent, to alter the
I doubt, therefore I might be.