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Re: [News] [Rival] XBox360 Claims First Death?

____/ Mark Kent on Friday 03 August 2007 14:15 : \____

> Jerry McBride <mcbrides9@xxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Microsoft blames baby's parents for deadly Xbox fire
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | Specifically, Redmond claims that the suit, which also names Wal-mart
>>> | and and an anonymous power-supply maker, lacks merit because the Klines
>>> | "knowingly, willingly, intentionally, and voluntarily exposed themselves
>>> | to said danger and assumed the risk of incident, injuries, losses, and
>>> | damages"
>>> `----
>> Damn... if Microsoft had NOT rushed a half-baked, half-tested product to
>> market, it wouldn't be having these problems... It's just so sad that
>> someone has died because of a filthy bunch of idiots like them...
> Microsoft appear to be trying to claim that because they issued a recall
> on some faulty aspect of the Xbox, they have no liability for the
> problem.  An interesting approach, but I doubt a jury would necessarily
> see it that way, an interesting question might be that if the problem
> were so serious, why didn't Microsoft do more to get the appropriate,
> dangerous, parts replaced?
> It would seem that the Xbox did start the fire and as a consequence, the
> baby died.
> The battle would seem to be about whether Microsoft can avoid liability
> for the fire, which, it would seem, was started by the Xbox.
Some people are very angry.


                ~~ Best of wishes

In a perfect world, all high-velocity impacts make fine orange juice
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