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Re: [News] Anti-Firefox Campaign Launched, Uses Stereotypes

"DFS" <nospam@xxxxxxxx> writes:

> waterskidoo wrote:
>> On 2007-08-18, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> ____/ waterskidoo on Saturday 18 August 2007 17:45 : \____
>>> Novell violated a licence (in spirit). Is that right in /anyone's/
>>> point of view? Novell chose money over people. Is that human?
>> I'll let a court of law determine if the license was violated because
>> I am not qualified to do so.
>> Novell is like just about any other corporation, they want
>> to turn a profit. This type of behavior was predicted years
>> ago but the Linux community said it would never happen
>> Now it's happening.
>> It's all about money, and it always will be.
>> Is the Linux community planning on mobilizing a boycott
>> machine every time some company, person, major developer
>> etc doesn't follow what the hard core community deems
>> the straight and narrow?
>> It just seems loony to me and the solution is simple, just
>> use Debian or Slackware.
> Slackware asks for $59.95 at their store, while they're asking $49.00 for 
> Debian at 
> http://shop.cheapbytes.com/cgi-bin/cart/0070011413.html?id=LR8WYBSC
> Looks like they both hope to make a profit.  Inhuman, eh?
> Roy "Lying Spamming Idiot" Schestowitz is nothing but a contemptible twerp, 
> who will use Windows and closed source proprietary code as quickly as 
> someone can offer him the right amount of money.  Am I lying?  Of course 
> not: his website lists Windows 3x/95/98/2000/ME/NT/XP and Visual Basic and 
> MacOS among other closed-source, proprietary technologies he knows.

And his "boycott" site generates click revenue from Google Ads.

It's all about Roy and why he plagiarizes so many links from legitimate
news distribution web sites in order to reduce their hit count and to
increase his.

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