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Re: Boycott Novell

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> ____/ waterskidoo on Friday 17 August 2007 01:40 : \____
>> On 2007-08-16, Ian Hilliard <nospam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> The purpose of linux is to put balance back into the computer industry.
>>> Unfortunately, the generation that grew up with Microsoft has no idea
>>> that alternatives existed before Microsoft and will exist long after
>>> Microsoft is dead.
>>> It is important that companies like Novell exist to make the step away
>>> from Windows shorter and hence doable. Once people and companies have
>>> made that first step, then it is possible for them to look at the
>>> further possabilities that exist in the Linux universe.
>>> Ian
>> Very well put Ian, I do agree with what you are saying.
> Thanks, to Novell, Linux *is* becoming Windows. It's blending. It's not an
> alternative. .NET, OOXML, Silverlight...

So if I understand you correctly, providing similar ways to do things
is "not an alternative".
*Not* providing them would be so, then.

Yes, that makes sense. Lets all bow to GPL3 and make things different.
Especially for new users. *That* will teach them

> Novell's strategic agenda seems to be influenced the most by Miguel de
> Icaza, whom some call "a Microsoft fanboi". This ought to worry you if you
> foresee Linux as not another proprietary platform. If you want balance to
> be achieved in this way, then you might as well advocate Macs too. Apple
> loves lock-in more than Microsoft loves it.

Only two things are infinite,
 the Universe and Stupidity.
And I'm not quite sure about the former.
        - Albert Einstein

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