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Re: SCO to Appeal? Executives Have No Comment.

waterskidoo wrote:
> On 2007-08-12, DFS <nospam@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> waterskidoo wrote:
>> Did you forget your anti-paranoia/schizophrenia medicine lately?
>> Thorazine are usually small, round orange tablets.
> You seem to speak from personal experience.
> You have to admit things seem to be falling right into
> place with this entire event.
> It seems a little to coincidental for me.

Read back through the thread:

Roy "Lying Spamming Idiot" Schestowitz quoting a ZDNet open source blogger:
seems to

Martha Adams:
paranoid ramblings

seem to indicate
*might* have been
seems to be playing out
seems to be falling into place
seems a little too coincidental

Now you're asking me to admit to believing the lunacy you and other cola/OSS 
weirdos believe?  I don't.

If you truly believe things are "falling right into place" and that MS will 
shortly claim ownership of Unix/Linux (based on a conspiracy deal with 
Novell), you're a paranoid schizophrenic, because you have ZERO factual 
evidence of anything.

Besides me, only John Bailo [of all people] had a sane reaction in this 

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