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[News] [Rival] New Windows Rootkits: Another Reasons to Switch to Linux

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] New Windows Rootkits: Another Reasons to Switch to Linux
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 04:44:53 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Double Whammy! Another Sony Case (And it's Not BioShock)

,----[ Quote ]
| We received a report that our F-Secure DeepGuard HIPS system was warning 
| about a USB stick software driver. The USB stick in question has a built-in 
| fingerprint reader. The case seemed unusual so we ordered a couple of USB 
| sticks with fingerprint authentication. We installed the software on a test 
| machine and were quite surprised to see that after installation our F-Secure 
| BlackLight rootkit detector was reporting hidden files on the system.     


Gonzo a goner, but NSA surveillance here to stay

,----[ Quote ]
| Ultimately, it will be up to the courts to undo the damage done, as Gonzalez 
| spent so much time walking all over the fundamental rights of Americans he's 
| practically left footprints on the Bill of Rights. Thanks to his stewardship, 
| American citizens can now be classed as enemy combatants, spied on without 
| warrants, imprisoned indefinitely without charges or redress to the courts, 
| and subjected to "enhanced interrogation" techniques.     
| Bravo, Gonzo. Good-bye, and good-riddance.



Cybercrime Poses Challenges for Government, Industry Says Report

,----[ Quote
| Botnet – A network of remotely controlled systems used to coordinate attacks 
| and distribute malware, spam, and phishing scams. Bots (short for “robots”) 
| are programs that are covertly installed on a targeted system allowing an 
| unauthorized user to remotely control the compromised computer for a variety 
| of malicious purposes.    


FBI ducks questions about its remotely installed spyware

,----[ Quote ]
| There are plenty of unanswered questions about the FBI spyware that, as we 
| reported earlier this week, can be delivered over the Internet and implanted  
| in a suspect's computer remotely. 


United States Government Online Watchdogs? Part of the war on terror?

,----[ Quote
| Is there anyone in the abandonia community with a US based connection who is 
| experiencing this watchdog behavior? Are any foreign Vista users experiencing 
| similar attacks from their own countries ministries and governing agencies?"   


Back doors in Windows XP...


Mother of all spyware...


Police eats your CPU cycles and disk space...

,----[ Quote ]
| Vista—Microsoft’s latest operating system—may prove to be most
| appropriately named, especially for those seeking evidence of how a
| computer was used.


Will Microsoft Put The Colonel in the Kernel?

,----[ Quote ]
| "The kernel meets The Colonel in a just-published Microsoft patent 
| application for an Advertising Services Architecture, which delivers targeted 
| advertising as 'part of the OS.'   


Microsoft patents the mother of all adware systems

,----[ Quote ]
| The adware framework would leave almost no data untouched in its quest to 
| sell you stuff. It would inspect "user document files, user e-mail files, 
| user music files, downloaded podcasts, computer settings, computer status 
| messages (e.g., a low memory status or low printer ink)," and more. How could 
| we have been so blind as to not see the marketing value in computer status 
| messages?     


German government admits it is already conducting online searches

,----[ Quote ]
| Piltz called on the German government to block funding for the
| programming of software used in online searches; she also said it
| was urgent that the government "discontinue these searches until
| the German Supreme Court has reached a ruling on the matter."


"Trusted" Computing

,----[ Quote ]
| Do you imagine that any US Linux distributor would say no to the
| US government if they were requested (politely, of course) to add
| a back-door to the binary Linux images shipped as part of their
| products ? Who amongst us actually uses the source code so helpfully
| given to us on the extra CDs to compile our own version ? With
| Windows of course there are already so many back-doors known and
| unknown that the US government might not have even bothered to 
| ask Microsoft, they may have just found their own, ready to
| exploit at will. What about Intel or AMD and the microcode on
| the processor itself ?


'---[ Quote ]
| In relation to the issue of sharing technical API and protocol
| information used throughout Microsoft products, which the
| states were seeking, Allchin alleged that releasing this
| information would increase the security risk to consumers.
|        "It is no exaggeration to say that the national security is
|        also implicated by the efforts of hackers to break into
|        computing networks. Computers, including many running Windows
|        operating systems, are used throughout the United States
|        Department of Defense and by the armed forces of the United
|        States in Afghanistan and elsewhere."


How NSA access was built into Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| A careless mistake by Microsoft programmers has revealed that
| special access codes prepared by the US National Security Agency
| have been secretly built into Windows.
| [...]
| The first discovery of the new NSA access system was made two years
| ago by British researcher Dr Nicko van Someren. But it was only a
| few weeks ago when a second researcher rediscovered the access
| system. With it, he found the evidence linking it to NSA.


NSA Builds Security Access Into Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| A careless mistake by Microsoft programmers has shown that special access
| codes for use by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) have been secretly
| built into all versions of the Windows operating system.


Could Hollywood hack your PC?

,----[ Quote ]
| Congress is about to consider an entertainment industry proposal
| that would authorize copyright holders to disable PCs used for
| illicit file trading.


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