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Re: Is "zealot" a term of abuse?

  • Subject: Re: Is "zealot" a term of abuse?
  • From: Hadron <hadronquark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 03:21:28 +0200
  • Cancel-lock: sha1:sOWDNb3DS0BPy9/FffLYlOatq7k= sha1:sEbKMTkZTA/Of7ZhBq5J/OYmV8E=
  • Face: iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADAAAAAwBAMAAAClLOS0AAAAGFBMVEUPDQ1bVEeWcSHosxDD ojimpJ76+vnczqjhNce/AAAACXBIWXMAAABIAAAASABGyWs+AAAB6UlEQVQ4y22UvW4TQRDHf7P2 paG4vSTuDwMlQgJRUfiIEC22gqnT2G/AcySU4AJTX4EfgMI8AMISdRTTEpRdu/MHWYq9r/g8zWr3 d/+Z2ZnZU8PCBv1+uRkqcnOjNB3ZYlsAGQEu1TWwBhB3UQOhXzY1MAZwOL0LcpvXQAQSwbQGhl15 PyiVBQg+CX8+d7E1hUPbv3sUL5Jf7cXBtA6mzZDl4z2K5CeAxu2/h2VbD251dEQQ6t0Yz5wT3dvY i7vALQ5Pj56GzaKMOdgcMMcgGmerQMZvXBQBZzCpghU6T4u1roCxeCAt4EMJNjBHQG5/a1iVwNDS OHASdr2/IqskW6WFD+/BJMhbzVLA5cAhZWVC2OZgSyGApKIwnO0WGQXIpOg0EJe1Wlc95YPls1pQ MwXQ1vruaexBI7r/pTj7MQMBFBJdIasiuo6hMQPF5TcLcf5iBAtPLCi5Ami6cw9urWo/QED5VF28 8c4OtWjNVhfV1dn838wR4Dsqe0KNoAtA6i++nSnJbnoCwD2bpZeof1k61xbk+jyrjlRGNE3Tj1+z xjRPrJIw+8gZA7g50OxYlDx/6YwFS9SLelHkENOxoDDLR6cuNOZdv9Vv9bvW3DzMp8QtXmnz2jsM EoK47AfHg+yXwfHbDgD/AWsIohF8qgD0AAAAGnpUWHRKUEVHLUNvbG9yc3BhY2UAAHjaMwIAADMA MxEWfmMAAAAqelRYdEpQRUctU2FtcGxpbmctZmFjdG9ycwAAeNozqjDSMaww1DGsMAQAEYMC6QbE yigAAAAASUVORK5CYII=
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quark
  • References: <1187725987.925459.271920@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <13cmjebs953uq5c@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <fag1jn$cha$2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • User-agent: Gnus/5.110007 (No Gnus v0.7) Emacs/23.0.0 (gnu/linux)
  • Xref: ellandroad.demon.co.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:553092
waterskidoo <water.skidoo@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

> On 2007-08-21, Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> [H]omer claims that Microsoft talking about patents is comparable to
>> what Al Qaeda did on 9/11.  All the negative connotations of "zealot"
>> are correctly applied to him.
> Exactly. Some of the stuff he says is absolutely twisted.
> My opinion of a zealot is one who feels her way is the only
> way and anyone who has a differing opinion must be wrong.
> I don't consider Roy a zealot BTW, he is more of a person
> who is on fire for Linux. I disagree with some of what he
> says but he never seems to get angry or nasty but instead

You *are* joking?

Roy turns very, very nasty and is one of the first to wield kill files
and besmirch people's characters when they don't agree with him.

Did you forget the castration thing already? You should read a few more
of his posts. Don't confuse his phony "matey mate" style with real
friendliness - it disappears in a blink if you cross him.

In addition more than 50% of his posts are about Windows. Off
Topic. Since he posts with no comparison to Linux. He has a boner for
Balmer for some reason.

> delves deeper into why he has certain opinions of topics.
> I can appreciate that and all is well.

It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

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