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Re: [News] Novell/Microsoft Launch lovefest Site, Runs IIS, Already Down

"Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> ____/ Mark Kent on Wednesday 19 December 2007 10:36 : \____
>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>> Novell+Microsoft BFF Site
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>| This month's Novell Linux Newsletter included a link to the Suse Team 
>>>| which lists 40+ customers who "have decided to take advantage of the 
>>>| benefits that the (MS/Novell) agreement brings to the table." And who 
>>>| that there was a whole site dedicated to the lovefest? (Hint: Not me.)
>>>| Unfortunately, the site, moreinterop.com appears to be down at the
>>>| moment...probably running IIS...
>>> `----
> http://www.cnet.com/8301-13846_1-9835534-62.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=NegativeApproach
>>> It's IIS indeed (because Novell is the enslaved party among the two).
>>> There's also the GNOME thing again (Bruce defends Waugh).
>>> GNOME, OOXML, and Half-Truths Colliding in the Night
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>| Can anything except the lapse of time end this debate? Not easily. But 
>>>| starting point might be a recognition on both sides that, in the 
>>>absence of
>>>| solid evidence, the other is more misguided than evil or paranoid. 
>>>| denouncing the GNOME Foundation need to resist the temptation to 
>>>| conspiracy theories, while the GNOME Foundation needs to act in a more 
>>>| and responsive manner, instead of like a corporate board of directors
>>>| putting down a stockholder's revolt.
>>> `----
>>> http://itmanagement.earthweb.com/entdev/article.php/3717321
>>> More one-sided reporting.
>> The term "conspiracy" is often used to discredit cause-effect analysis
>> and occam's razor analysis.  But, the facts will out, indeed, Novell's
>> financial results continue to decline, Microsoft's funding for Novell is
>> becoming an increasingly large part of Novell's revenue, and de Icaza is
>> on record as a staunch supporter of all manner of Microsoft proprietary
>> formats and systems, including favouring OOXML over ODF, C# and .net over
>> Java and JVMs and has quite clearly been pushing .net into Linux-land,
>> under the banner of the Gnome project and elsewhere.
>> I've no idea about conspiracies, to be honest, however, I do not believe
>> in repeated coincidences.  There is always a reason.  We do not have to
>> look very hard for the reasons here.
> Yes, as I state time after time when collecting evidence, "there are just 
> too
> many coincidences."

-> "Jeff Waugh continues attacking me (even this morning)."

Why don't you "man up" and quit whining like a little bitch.

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