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[News] PCLinuxOS and KDE as Efficiency Boosters

  • Subject: [News] PCLinuxOS and KDE as Efficiency Boosters
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2007 02:32:54 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
PCLinuxOS Rediscovered

,----[ Quote ]
| Now that I'm back on PCLinuxOS, I feel a lot more comfortable with my PC, and 
| my productivity (if I do something productive, that is) has increased 10 
| folds, as compared to Windows XP, and just about a billion times if compared 
| to Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon.   



Switching from KDE to WinXP #2

,----[ Quote ]
| Conclusion
| I have looked at several features that KDE?s Konqueror has but that
| WinXP's Explorer doesn't have. I have also mentioned a few of the
| things I don't like about Explorer and often why I think Konqueror's way of 
| doing it is better. You may have noticed that there is nothing positive 
| about Explorer. That is true and it is not for lack of trying. The fact is, 
| for me, the way I work, there is just nothing special about Explorer. I 
| didn't find any feature that struck me as being especially cool or useful 
| that Konqueror didn?t also have.
| Switching from KDE to WindowsXP at work has seriously impaired my 
| productivity. 



The Road to KDE 4: KWin Composite Brings Bling to KDE [with Videos]

,----[ Quote ]
| The Present Windows Effect - a very useful effect that falls into 
| both eye-candy and usability categories...


howto enhance your workflow with beryl

,----[ Quote ]
| Problem is, I spread my applications across all 4 desktops, so
| that things feel uncluttered when I'm working on an application.
| However, when you want to keep an eye on several applications at
| a time, it's impossible - except, if you have beryl. What I do
| is set one of the corners of my desktop to activate the scale
| plugin to show all windows from all desktops (see here for a
| more detailed explanation). I also make sure that it shows
| minimised windows.


Another Beryl 0.1.3 Video


Cool New Beryl Feature: Ring Window Switcher


Beryl's new 3D animations!


Cool new Beryl Feature: Window Thumbnails


Beryl Group tab plugin


Older stuff (also Compiz):




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