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Re: Romanian President Slaps Linux In The Face!

  • Subject: Re: Romanian President Slaps Linux In The Face!
  • From: "cc" <scatnubbs@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: 4 Feb 2007 11:46:58 -0800
  • Complaints-to: groups-abuse@google.com
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On Feb 4, 12:15 pm, Peter Köhlmann <peter.koehlm...@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> cc wrote:
> > On Feb 4, 9:44 am, Peter Köhlmann <peter.koehlm...@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >> cc wrote:
> >> > On Feb 3, 7:18 pm, Peter Köhlmann <peter.koehlm...@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >> >> cc wrote:
> >> >> > On Feb 3, 7:00 pm, Maverick <S...@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >> >> >> Robert wrote:
> >> >> >> > Traian Basescu seems to think stealing Windows was more
> >> >> >> > beneficial for his country (Romania) than widespread legal use of
> >> >> >> > Linux would have been for the Romanian IT industry. He said that
> >> >> >> > stealing Microsoft Windows was a huge benefit for Romania right
> >> >> >> > in front of Bill Gates face!
> >> >> >> > Gates must have been laughing his head off on the plane from
> >> >> >> > Bucarest to Seattle.
> >> >> >> Not likely.  Gates is still pissing his pants that Vista can't
> >> >> >> outdo
> >> >> >> Apples Tiger version of os.  And wait till Leopard comes out.
> >> >> >> Then he'll crap his pants.
> >> >> >> Just you watch... the news media will show Gates in brown pants.
> >> >> > Will Roy post Anti-Tiger news then? Or will he move back to
> >> >> > discussing Linux finally? Anyone want to put down some money?
> >> >> You mean, will he compare linux to other OS? Like windows, or OSX? For
> >> >> example by describing in what ways those fail, in contrast to linux?
> >> >> Seems like the cola-charter in a nutshell to me, which talks about the
> >> >> benefits of linux *compared* to other OS. Benefit is also a missing
> >> >> weakness
> >> >> By describing weaknesses or outright idiocy in the OS design he is
> >> >> advocating linux
> >> >> Strange that these extremely simple things have to be explained to you
> >> >> widiots in such detail. And still you are unable to grasp it. Rotten
> >> >> brain?
> >> > How is saying games will run slower on Vista a comparison when Linux
> >> > can't run them at all? Or CAD software? Or most of the other tripe he
> >> > posts. I don't see him saying Vista and Linux both suck in those
> >> > regards.
> >> The shrieking sounds to be heard were those of the goalposts you moved
> >> around
> >> Can't you widiots be honest, just an extremely tiny little bit?
> > So did Roy not post criticisms of Vista about the games it will run,
> > the software it will support?
> And he bloody well should do so. It is linux advocacy by describing how
> crappy Vista is. You know, this "benefits of linux compared to...".
> The point you cretins never seem to grasp

If linux doesn't offer anything better in those areas and is just as
crappy then how is that linux advocacy? It's not, he just wants to
bash Microsoft. Good for him, but don't call it advocacy.

> > Want links? Explain to me how those posts are comparisions.
> explain to me why your bran is so extremely tiny

Bran flakes have to be tiny, or else you couldn't eat them. So you
can't explain how those posts are comparisons? Ok, thanks for proving
my point.

> > Explain to me how only mentioning Vista in a
> > news item is a comparison.
> Well, if Vista is shown to be a crappy mound of smoldering garbage in that
> news item, and linux has no such blatant shortcomings, it is linux
> advocacy. Vista is still a security nightmare, it will not run *lots* of
> exsisting windows apps. Why do you think that these truths should not be
> mentioned? They are clear and obvious points against MS latest trash. That
> *anyone* would downgrade to such a pile of crap is boggling the mind

Great, then why do none of the posts mention how linux is better in
those areas? It's a snipe at Vista(usually taken out of context), and
a link. Will Linux run alot of existing Windows apps? Will Linux run
the most popular games? Are people actually upgrading to Vista? Lots
of no's to those questions, so why make such a big deal out of it.

> > Just because you're a mental lightweight
> > doesn't mean I'm moving the goalposts around.
> Oh, you moved them quite some distance. Just saying you did not does not
> make it any more true. After all, you are a windows cretin posting in a
> linux group. By default, you are a liar. And you prove it time and again

How did I move the goalposts? What have I lied about?

Here's some real goalpost moving for you. If I'm such a windows cretin
how come I'm the one doing Linux development(not all, but 75% at
least), and you do Windows work? You're the windows cretin. You have a
chance to do real advocacy, and you fail.

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