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Gates: lets make MS java non cross-platform ..

on Jan 08 2007 17:40 Roy Schestowitz wrote:

 > John A. Bailo wrote:

>>> Agree.  Belongs in comp.lang.java.advocacy

No, belongs in alt.crooks ..

> If the two trolls bothered to read this item from Groklaw
> (even the snippet which mentions Linux explicitly), they
>  would have seen that it clearly has a lot to do with Linux ..

"This memo goes on to Mr. Gates to say, there are three possible ways
to address the threat of the Java platform .. The third choice is to
make major innovations to our platform so people still prefer to write
to us instead of some tepid cross-platform Java layer. This is our only
real option.


It's also a curious insight into the world view of Gates and a good
example of a severe case of projection, it's him who's in a kill
situation with the rest of the industry.

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