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OO users complain... (was: [News] Zune File-sharing Less Than Promised)

On Sat, 20 Jan 2007 22:18:39 +0100, Ian Hilliard wrote:

> Hey, the shoe is on the other foot now, compared to; Linux is no good
> because it is not exactly the same as Windows or OO.o is no good because
> the occasional file doesn't open correctly.

Interesting that you should say that.  I was just reading this slashdot


Read through the comments, many of them come from OOo users, and Linux
users.  And most of them complain about OOo being bloated, incompatible,
difficult to use, not competitive with older MS products, much less the new
ones, amazingly diffcult to chart, etc..

Here's a few good ones:


"I put OOO on my girlfriend's Windows laptop (replacing a pirated copy of
MS Office) and it's been a mixed bag for her. Writer works fine for most of
what she needs to do. Impress is okay but not great -- when she looks at
other people's PowerPoint presentations, they are usually at least legible,
but most often the formatting is messed up in some way or another. But Calc
is a source of frustration. Last night she wanted to make a simple X-Y
graph and it took us a solid 15 minutes of clicking around different dialog
boxes to get what she wanted -- and even then I had to modify the
spreadsheet to get it to work (it doesn't really like the Y axis values to
be in the column before the X axis values, for example.) The default
formatting was lousy; one of the columns was nothing but whole numbers yet
Calc decided to put in grid lines for fractional values and display the
numbers with three trailing decimal places. And so forth. All eventually
fixable -- we got the graph -- but not fun. 
I just fired up Excel to compare the experience, and I had the same graph
in under a minute with no after-the-fact fussing around with properties
panels. Its defaults were what I wanted and it let me put my columns in any
order (though the UI for specifying column ranges needs a little help IMO). 

This was the first time I'd used Excel in maybe a year, and the first time
I'd made a graph in Excel in... well, I can't remember the previous time.
Whereas I use OOO pretty frequently. So I am no MS fanboy -- but OOO does
have some catching up to do in places. "


"If you use OpenOffice 2 Writer and nothing else, you're fine. But
interchange with .doc files still doesn't work all that well. Something
readable usually makes it through the conversion, but it won't look quite

Impress and OpenOffice Draw are OK, but, realistically, PowerPoint and
Visio are better. [...[ 

The help system for OpenOffice is still terrible. [...]

OpenOffice's little star popup thing, their answer to Clippy, is just as
annoying as Microsoft's, but dumber about figuring out what you're doing. 

It's classic open source. The essential stuff works, and everything else is
kind of half done. It's far better than OpenOffice 1.0, but it still has a
ways to go."


"Visio Competition Sadly Lacking"


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