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Re: [News] Another Tumble for SCO

Well, anyone who has a future in OS or business programming, or who
thinks they do, has by now probably distanced themselves as far as
possible from SCO.  I'd be surprised if anything remains today of that
company, but a legal shell occupying a small address somewhere.
Now we can all see that when vultures come in to a business field,
they act like vultures ...I wonder how long before Microsoft gets their

The whole thing is a large object lesson for anyone who wants to go
into a business and create value.  SCO (and Microsoft) demonstrate
beyond question that there are *those people out there* and basic
business construction includes preparation against that reality.
Isn't there some story about the originators of Oracle getting pushed
out of owning the business they nursed up from zero?

Cheers -- Martha Adams

"AB" <fardblossom@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> On 2007-01-20, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
>> SCO faces new setback in IBM case
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| Magistrate Judge Brooke Wells of the U.S. District Court in Utah 
>>| SCO's motion asking for a finding that IBM flushed code that would
>>| have proved SCO IBM injected Unix programming into the Linux OS,
>>| according to Groklaw.
>>| [...]
>>| The Linux tussle, which also involves Novell, cost SCO $12.3m during
>>| its fiscal 2006, a sum that CEO Darl McBride said would likely fall
>>| this year....
> Yeah. Once they go completely out of business they won't spend another
> dime (as a company) on the legal bills. The individuals might still be
> hauled into court, but the company will stop bleeding finally.
>>|.... Coupled with annual revenue that fell 19 percent on weakness of
>>| its Unix business, the company is on the verge of bankruptcy, Novell
>>| alleged in a recent filing.
>>| Novell claims it is owed $26m in licensing fees and that it
>>| will be irreparably harmed if SCO is allowed to fade to black
>>| without paying.
>> `----
> If they do get it, it's probably going out the back door to MS anyway.
> Novell is still "irreparably harmed" even with the influx.
> -- 
> A bus station is where a bus stops.
> A train station is where a train stops.
> Windows is for work stations. 

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