Ewok wrote:
> On Jan 24, 1:24 am, "VistaKing" <BushIsATrai...@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> One of the exciting new
>> concepts of Windows VistaT involves bsting your PC's memory without the
>> annoying hassle of physically opening your computer and installing RAM.
>> This feature is Windows ReadyB st, and it uses your removable USB flash
>> drive to improve your system's performance easily and immediately. Just
>> connect your USB flash drive and you're ready to go with improved speed!
>> Perfect for gamers!
> Does this mean that they are using USB-memory as extra RAM.
>> A great way to get ready for an enhanced gaming and multimedia
>> experience with Windows VistaT and Windows ReadyBst is to pick up a
>> new Centrios USB flash drive. Pump up the power of your system with
>> a 512MB or whopping 2GB flash drive. Get yours today and enjoy more
>> productivity and entertainment at home or on the go!
> Sounds like a smart way of burning cash. Correct me anyone if I am
> wrong. USB memories can be read as many times as you wish, but only
> wrote at a limited amount of times. Using a flash drive as RAM, would
> destroy it rather quickly. Sounds like the M$ to me.
Exactly. Leave it to nimwits like "linux-sux" to actually applaud this
idiocy. MS has "innovated" this moronic "solution" because Vista needs more
than 1GB mem to run halfway acceptable
The Day Microsoft makes something that does not suck is probably
the day they start making vacuum cleaners.