Help: Vista won't let me write to my external hard drive
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| This is becoming a very common question as people move to Windows
| Vista. You have an external or extra hard drive formatted under
| Windows XP. In Windows XP you were running as a member of the
| Built-in Administrators Group, and you could write to it just
| fine. In Vista, you are also a member of the Built-in
| Administrators group, but now you can't write to it.
| The reason is permissions, but the reason they become a problem
| is because of User Account Control (UAC).
A poor imitation of the Linux model. Yet another one for the books (see
Vista's UAC security is hopeless, says Symantec
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| A key security feature of Windows Vista, User Account Control (UAC) is
| still nearly unusable, Symantec has said.
| At a press presentation last week, Symantec vice president of
| engineering Rowan Trollope said Symantec's customers had found the
| feature so "chatty", that it was a burden on users, potentially
| creating new help-desk calls.
Windows Vista set to overwhelm helpdesks
,----[ Quote ]
| The Windows Vista features that will most benefit end users are
| likely to cause a flood of calls to enterprise IT help desks, it
| was claimed today.
| SupportSoft predicted that one of the main areas in which
| end-users are likely to experience problems will be dealing
| with Vista's security features.
Windows Vista Tip: Run as administrator
,----[ Quote ]
| This will make every admin operation prompt you for credentials
| while it is great if you do a lot of remote operations it can
| become tedious if you are performing a lot of local admin operations.
Microsoft: Turn off Vista's UAC to fix problems
,----[ Quote ]
| I've been fairly critical of the new User Access Control (UAC) in
| Windows Vista, as I feel it is too secure to be usable, which will
| probably result in many users and corporations turning off and
| losing out on what could have been Vista?s best feature.
| [...]
| He recommends turning UAC back on after fixing the problem, but
| when users need to do this more than a couple of times to get a
| usable system, they will just leave it turned off.
'Vista's Account Protection: One Click and It's Gone'
,----[ Quote ]
| One of Vista's big security features is 'User Account Protection'
| (or 'User Account Control') which pops up and asks for user
| authentication before software can make any administrative changes to
| the system. But the TweakVista utility can turn off UAP in one click...
The Truth About User Privileges
,----[ Quote ]
| Has the time finally come for the least-privilege user -- you know,
| setting your Windows client machines to run without system
| administrator rights?
| [...]
| Today, some Windows applications just won't run properly on a
| desktop without administrative rights. "It's a dirty little
| secret people sweep under the rug because they're not able to
| do much about the problem. A lot of applications and pieces
| of environments won't work if users aren't given admin rights,"
| says Steve Kleynhans, vice president for Gartner's client
| platforms group. "If you can get applications to function
| with lower rights, in a lot of cases it hampers the user
| experience."