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Re: [News] Man Says Goodbye to Windows, Because of Linux

____/ BearItAll on Tuesday 10 July 2007 13:50 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> GoodBye Windows, Hello! Linux
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | This is not about how to install and configure Ubuntu, trust me! its
>> | simpler than you think, so I ll leave that to the readers. What this is
>> | about is Why you should move to Linux .
>> | 
>> | The strongest reason to move is Freedom , and by freedom I don’t mean
>> | price . Once you have Ubuntu installed , you have access to a list of
>> | thousands of applications which you have the freedom to download
>> | install and modify to suit your needs . It doesn’t matter if you
>> | are an expert computer user or a newbie , Ubuntu’s software library
>> | provides enough to suit everyone’s needs . There are no trial
>> | versions or registration keys , no exe’s to patch, no more
>> | crackspider or astalavista
>> `----
>> http://ashwinrajiv.com/blog/?p=72
> Nice to see that we are attracting someone who used to crack exe's to get
> past the activation. I suppose it has merit, if we make it unnecessary to
> steal then we might turn criminals into saints. The archbishop might like
> to be informed of this, I can see the headlines in Church Weekly,
>    "Linux ordained into the Ministry"

With Linux, tweaking files in /encouraged/, for educational purposes and
play. :-)

Either way, guilt goes away (maybe to be replaced by pride) when you are the
only legit PC user in a country where piracy is prevalent (by design, since
Microsoft turns a blind eye to fight Linux).

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Useless fact: A dragonfly only lives for one day
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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