"canadafred" <canadian_web@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> On Jul 4, 3:12 am, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> ____/ canadafred on Tuesday 03 July 2007 15:52 : \____
>> > On Jul 2, 11:23 pm, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> > wrote:
>> >> > As far as grammar is concerned, the search engines are evolving to
>> >> > employ the natural use of the language. Grammar has a role and will
>> >> > play an increasingly more vital role in determining content
>> >> > credibility and authenticity.
>> >> I doubt it. The computer power needed to do this is enormous and it's
>> >> a hard
>> >> problem (if not impossible) to solve. Multiply this by the number of
>> >> pages
>> >> on the WWW.
>> > SEs use stemming, pluralization, synonyms etc. in factoring content
>> > relevance.
>> True, but I don't think they descend to the level of grammar and
>> semantics.
> Euphemisms are a couple of good examples of what I mean by proper
> grammar.
> "SEO" and "Search Engine Optimization", "Expert" and "Specialist"
Actually, Fred you are going on what I feel is where SE's are going also. I
have said that SE's can add grammar into their calculations for a while now,
at least 2 years ago, I mentioned it before I moved to Germany.
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