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Re: [News] Kubuntu Linux Reviewed; KDE-based PCLOS Takes #1 Position in DW

____/ Mark Kent on Saturday 14 July 2007 10:06 : \____

> JD Cantafio <xxx@xxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> William Poaster wrote:
>>> Who are these 'several Linux "advocates" '?
>> Let's start with the asshole Seatoller.
>                        ^^^^^^^
> you've falled at the first hurdle.
> Can you post without being abusive?

Just wipe him off with a wet rug. It's one of the old trolls with a new nym, so
*plonking* was a natural thing to do.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz     | Run a Linux server, then learn how to knit 
http://Schestowitz.com  | Free as in Free Beer |  PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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