On Sun, 29 Jul 2007 13:08:02 +0000, Kelsey Bjarnason wrote:
> [snips]
> On Wed, 25 Jul 2007 15:49:22 +0100, SomeBloke wrote:
>> I know that everyone raves about Ubuntu but I prefer Mandriva. I have
>> installed Ubuntu on my development system but for general use Mandriva is
>> far and away the dest distro I have used.
> I've used Mandriva and I rather liked it - except for it being an
> RPM-based distro, Never again, unless forced to more or less at gun
> point, will I ever use an RPM-based distro. Make Mandriva deb-based,
> sitting atop Debian's packages, and I'll happily give it a whirl.
It wouldn't really Mandriva, then, though, would it?
I like Madriva, or at least, I *did*. My most recent experiences of it
haven't been particularly good. But I'm hoping it'll be on one of my
machines sometime in the future.
What have you got against RPM, by the way?