It was on, or about, Sun, 29 Jul 2007 13:16:35 -0700, that as I was
halfway through a large jam doughnut, Kelsey Bjarnason wrote:
> [snips]
> On Sun, 29 Jul 2007 15:58:46 +0100, Kier wrote:
>>> I've used Mandriva and I rather liked it - except for it being an
>>> RPM-based distro, Never again, unless forced to more or less at gun
>>> point, will I ever use an RPM-based distro. Make Mandriva deb-based,
>>> sitting atop Debian's packages, and I'll happily give it a whirl.
>> It wouldn't really Mandriva, then, though, would it?
> Why not? Does something prevent them putting their own stamp/utils/etc
> on it just because they use deb instead of RPM?
>> What have you got against RPM, by the way?
> Mostly the fact that, IME, it is a steaming pile of unreliable crap.
> The most readily apparent example of this was discovered in doing system
> upgrades. In the process of this, the RPM engine would try to upgrade
> itself, get all confused and the result was a newer version of the RPM
> package database, an older version of the RPM libraries/apps, and the
> older code couldn't use the newer DB - so from then on you could never
> upgrade, install or remove another package; the system was completely
> and totally hosed.
> Happened *repeatedly* in Mandrake, over several versions. Since I have
> never seen this happen with apt, I have to conclude that apt is the more
> reliable tool and RPM has no business on any serious system.
Perhaps SuSE wasn't a serious system then. It's RPM based & I used it for
about 9 years without any trouble. Sometimes I used RPM commands to
upgrade the system & desktop (rather than using YaST) & found it very
easy to use.
> Okay, granted, this could be a 'Drake balls-up... but good goat, it left
> a bad taste in the mouth having to reinstall just to recover from this
> mess, not just once but on several occasions.
More than likely, IMHE.
SuSE was originally based on Slackware. I dunno what Mandrake was based
on...I didn't like it anyway.
The universe exploded out of nothingness 14 billion years ago.
14 billion years later, & some of us have 100 trillion
interconnected cells, & a self-aware consciousness.
Others post through GoogleGroups, & insist on installing Vista.