anon@xxxxxxxx schreef:
Robert <ding@xxxxxxx> says:
KNode has a pretty effective killfile option by using the "scoring"
system. however, it is kind of daunting to set it up to kill file
individuals, however, once properly set up, you will never see post
from the idiots again. if they nymshift, all it takes is a
keystroke to lower the score for the trolls post.
The big problem here is that the so-called "nym-shifters" and
"trolls" are usually the only ones who have anything interesting to
Yeah right, pigs can fly, don't they?
They are maligned as "trolls" simply because they don't march
in lockstep to whatever happens to be politically correct in a
particular newsgroup at a particular time.
The difference between regular trolls and colatrolls is that the latter
are *evil*. Those characters attack anyone. They are nothing but a bunch
of anti social lowlifes and don't deserve any respect IMHO, since they
disrespect anyone their selves. An eye for an eye?
For example, in this ng, all one has to do is suggest that, for
example, windoze installs easier than almost every version of linux
and one will be branded a "troll." And if one changes his usenet
from header, for anyone of a thousand reasons, self-centered
assholes will accuse this poster of changing names to avoid their
Simply because they are lying. Windoze is *not* easier to install. After
you've installed it, the problems just start. In contrast to any
GNU/Linux distribution there is no trusted source you can install your
additional software from. How "user friendly" :-)
We find that the people who are most obsessed with "trolls" and
"killfiles" and such are persons who claim to have the most
sophisticated filters, and yet are fully aware of everything that
their supposedly killfiled users have to say.
You find..., since I disagree, please speak for yourself!
Well I have no idea how long you have been a COLA neticent, but trolls
like DFS and Hadron Quark have nothing useful to say. I gave them a fair
chance, but after all those years, I'm true with entities like that. I'm
not any longer interested in their lies and that's why I killfiled them.
The problem is, that nobody is obsessed with trolls and killfiles, but
colatrolls are obsessed with regular COLA neticents. They'll attack
anyone and spare no one.
There is no excuse to defend them IMHO!
|_|0|_| Marti T. van Lin