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Re: What's BSD going to do?

__/ [ spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ] on Saturday 09 June 2007 12:32 \__

> Guy Fawkes <spare_the_rod@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> did eloquently scribble:
>> Are the BSD cousins (FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD) going to switch to
>> GPLv3? Anybody know?
> Erm...
> BSD doesn't use GPL
> They use BSD

Could they ever do what Sun appears to be doing? Could they (one day, in a
galaxy far, far way) consider GPLv3? Some of them are betrayed by some large
companies that take but never give back. Speaking of which, Apple will have
ZFS in its O/S... that's Sun, so a transitive inference here closes a

The GPL is a very scientific approach that encourages two-way collaboration
and attribution. There is a reason why science that's BSD-like or
proprietary-like does not get far.

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