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Re: Rant: Windows Gets B0rked, So They Buy a New PC

__/ [ BearItAll ] on Wednesday 06 June 2007 09:30 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Amazing!
>> My mom has just bought a new computer. She didn't ask, she didn't tell
>> (until now). Her computer was filled with viruses and other junk, so it
>> became slow. What did she do? She bough a /WHOLE/ new computer, including
>> monitor. What about the 'old' one (which is quite powerful)? It'll be put
>> in the corner to collect dust.
>> Microsoft -- driving the economy and destroying the environment my making
>> suicidal operating system, whose flaws are blamed on hardware.
> I hate the throw away society, but it is understandable, people get so fed
> up that it is easier for them to nip down to PC World and buy a new PC than
> to mess around trying to get the two year old PC working properly.

There are upgrade routes too. The damage to the environment is high. Just
published for example:


> Some will try to start from scratch, but then because Windows tends to be
> an OS you have to reinstall periodically anyway, they pop in the XP DVD,
> load it up, get to the register part and find that they can't do it because
> they have used up all of their lives, how many goes do they have these days
> is it three? and than your out in the cold. You can ring them up of cause
> and get a new number, I wonder how many times you are allowed to do that
> part?

AV software is not the only cost here. The constant maintenance (man hours)
it requires to 'clean' the O/S (been done many time before, usually by
wiping the whole thing and reinstalling applications. One. By. One.) is very
high. That's why Linux should not be recommended, but also demanded. Even
Thad took this route recently. He's not a zealot.

> So users can be faced with booting that two year old slow slow system and
> then fighting with it once it has loaded because of a million popups
> telling them things they didn't want to know, or they can go to the Dell
> site and £300 for a clean machine is very attractive compared with this
> thing they are sitting at.

Hmmm... still very worrisome. :-(

                ~~ Enjoying summertime

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    GPL'd Reversi: http://othellomaster.com
http://Schestowitz.com  |    RHAT Linux     |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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